Status Tab of the Activity Details Pane

Use this tab to update activity status, suspend or resume an activity, and add or remove constraints.


These fields use the display unit (hours or days) that you set using the Activity Group Activity View > Display Settings command.

Field/Option Description
Remaining This field displays the remaining duration for the item selected in the grid.
Remaining (Elapsed) This field displays the total remaining duration, regardless of the working calendar. For example, if an activity is two days in duration and starts on a Friday and ends on a Monday, at the end of Friday, the Remaining field will show that it has one day remaining and the Remaining Duration will show that it has three days remaining (Saturday, Sunday, Monday).
Total Float This field displays the total float for the item selected in the grid. Float is the amount of time that a task can be delayed without causing a delay to the project or successor tasks.
Free Float This field displays the free float when you select a milestone in the grid.


The date fields are editable when you select a scenario in the grid.

Field/Option Description
Status This field displays the status for the selected item.
Start/Finish These fields display the start and finish dates for the selected item.
Early Start/Finish These fields display the early start and finish dates for the selected item.
Late Start/Finish These fields display the late start and finish dates for the selected item.
Actual Start/Finish Use these fields to select actual start and finish dates for the selected item. Click the X to clear the entry.
Baseline Start/Finish When you have an activity selected in the grid and it has a stored baseline, then these fields display the baseline start and finish dates.
Suspend / Resume Use these fields to select the from and to dates for which you want to suspend the selected item. For example, if you have a 50-day activity and you are 20 days into it, you may want to stop/suspend work on the activity for 10 days because you are waiting for supplies.
Time Now This field displays the status date for the project. This field only displays when you have a project selected in the grid.


Field/Option Description
Must Finish by Use this field to add a constraint specifying that the project has to finish by a certain date. This constraint only displays when you have selected a project in the grid.
Primary Use this field to select a primary constraint for the selected item. For example, Start On or After.
Primary Date Use this field to select the date related to the primary constraint.
Secondary Use this field to select a secondary constraint for the selected item.
Secondary Date Use this field to select the date related to the secondary constraint.